lunes, 5 de junio de 2017

Transgender children (minors)

The subject is of transsexualism. What is it? So, when a person is transgender is because he find a serious disagreement between his psychological sex and other sexual characteristics, that is, it does not feel comfortable with what God has given him, referring to sex.
Transsexuals know that their body belongs to a genre and your brain to another.
In the case of the documentary I've seen, it's about smaller transsexuals.
The children decide for themselves, deciding what suits them best, surprising their parents.
The parents are surprised by the change of the children, many of them were not expecting it, but others saw a change in the character of children who had thought they were the opposite sex. They had to accept the fact that their children wanted to change sex, but for some parents, it was difficult.
In conclusion, people rule by their body and is entitled to change himself.
In the life is to find the comfort, if you do not feel comfortable with who you are, change to a better person for you, not for people.
I am in favor of transsexualism, as it is a personal decision in order to feel better.

The link of the documentary is this:

domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

My favorite city

Throughout my life I have been able to visit Norway, France, London, Belgium and my country, Morocco. And I still have to visit more countries. But i have to say that the countries I've visited so far, are quite spectacular.
Traveling, i never forget to bring my camera to photograph landscapes as the  city of Oslo (Norway) any snow, the view of Paris from atop the Eiffel Tower, etc. But the landscape that most caught my attention was the promenade of Larache, a city of Morocco.
Last year I went to visit my aunt. Once there I took my camera and I started to spin with my father. We arrived on the waterfront and I was speechless. It was wonderful to see the Atlantic Ocean. The promenade is called 'Balcon Atlantic'. In this moment I fell in love seeing these views. It is a spectacular city, I advise you to go see it.

Uneducated people (without basic knowledge)

We find ourselves at a time of life where education is scarce. Many young people prefer go to the party before the study, but should take into account that not having general culture, can lead us to be ignorants about, be a useless, like the short film name's "Pipas".
I could not find one positive aspect to this problem of young people, because the problem it's theirs. They are who make the decisions, not teachers and parents.
And negative aspect, can cause arguably misunderstood like the case of the film, can also criticize what they do not understand, try to convince you that your life is more important, tease intelligent people as seen in the video and etc.
I think this problem could be improved if the friends of people with lack of knowledge, be with them and give them reasons to study and learn. It would need the help of parents, since they have more contact with them.
They should open their eyes and they have to land in this world that envelops them, and most of all, have to leave them the desire to study and attend class.

The short film is this, check it out:

sábado, 3 de junio de 2017

The end of the world is close

It has been many centuries since the creation of the universe. Many species have passed through this world, until we have arrived.
According to the sacred book of the Islamic religion, the end of the world is looming. In the Koran is written all the past, the present and the future.
As I said before, the holy book says that the final hour is coming, for all that is happening now. God gave us a warning the day a crane destroyed the holiest site of the Islamic religion, 'Mecca'. Seeing that disaster, self-insecurity increased.
There are currently many attacks that dirty the religion of Islam. In google maps, Palestine belongs to the Jewish state of Israel, the city of Gaza disappears, like the other cities of Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey and etc.
Honestly, our generation is disgusted, and more because of technology.
The day will come when the universe will be completely destroyed and the dead will be resurrected for the judgment of God. This day will be the beginning of a life that will never end. This is the Day of Judgment. On that day, all people will be rewarded by God according to their beliefs and actions. Some will be lucky enough to cross the gates of paradise, others will be thrown into the fire.

The craziest youtuber

Today we see many things done by the human being that surprise us, because human madness is infinite.
Of the person I'm going to talk now, he hasn't mental disorder or anything like that. It's a youtuber, and as we all know, all youtubers they do nonsense to gain more fame. And honestly, I love one because of the crazy things he does. His YouTube channel is called NinchiBoy, and is literally fucking himself and his friends, making extreme challenges. These extreme challenges come to be such as hair removal with fire, nerf pistols with thumbtacks, electrocuted with the taser, eating food for animals and etc. I like this guy very much, although he makes some extreme challenges, he makes them for him and does not hurt anyone. He has fun doing them and the public watching them too.
In conclusion, I want to say that the Internet has enslaved many people, as if they were puppets. Youtubers are a test, as they do anything to win visits and have fame.

viernes, 2 de junio de 2017

The blue whale

We are in 2017, and as usual always new fashions come out. But the fashion I'm going to talk about now is very creepy. This is a game called Blue Whale. This game is a viral challenge in which participants have to undergo various tests, such as tattoo a blue whale with a knife, jumping into the void from great heights, watching horror movies all day or staying awake for a long time. The last test is suicide. The game has a simple but dangerous functioning and, in its last, deadly phase. Once the participant enrolls he is assigned a curator. He then gives you different tasks to do that, during the next 50 days, you must go one by one. The participant, to demonstrate that he has overcome the different challenges, must be recorded with video or share a photograph of the end of the test. After overcoming different challenges, the curator asks the participant to commit suicide.
And yes, the game is useless, but there are many people who have done it.


First of all, I want to know what is Islamophobia. The word is composed of Islam "(Islam) and 'Phobia' (fear), defining it as a fear of Muslims. It is a feeling of hostility to Islam and, by extension, towards the Muslims.
It is known that one of the major factors that has increased this phobia have been various attacks that have been around the world. And of course, say that Muslims kill in God's name, and are bad people and etc.
And the question is, if you believe that all Muslims are terrorists, would you be alive? I do not think so.
More than anything, in this argument I have more arguments against that in favor because I think that is a disrespect for a religion when they do not know the reality. In the sacred book of the Muslims' Qur'an ', there isn't the word' 'attack' 'and less the word' kill ''. In the Qur'an speaks of a better world, to improve society, peace, and above all, respect between people of different religions. This confusion they have and making blame us, has caused many problems. Increases racism in a radical way, thus causing aggression towards innocent Muslims, for only anger.

Gender inequality

First of all, justice is a concept in which decides supported and judged the parameters of equality for all. So, the one that symbolizes justice is the figure of a woman with a blindfold and holding a balance sheet, giving an image of equality for all people. So far, good, but the problem comes when justice is understood differently, believing that we do well, but no. And the first subject of which one I would like to talk about and does not meet justice, is the next.
The main injustice what cause the chaos in '' everybody '' and that is taken into account every day is the violence, sexism, feminism and all that is related to inequality between men and women . According to the news, one in three women was the victim of gender violence in 2014.
From my point of view, I think that men do not believe higher than women and that is why there are murders, that is, I think all these murders have been for some issues and that the woman has put fuel to the fire, because the man could not beat and less "murder" to his wife.
In this society they blame the man a lot, leaving aside the woman as if he were innocent.

The protests of the Rif

Since last year, in Morocco, supposedly in Al Hoceima, there have been many deaths by corrupt police officers, and many more injustices.
A few days ago, the whole Rif has been raised against Morocco, that is, against the King. They have protested the injustices of the cities rifeñas, because they say that the King only helps to the cities of his side and it forgets of the others.
It is very unfair to have to pay your own visits in hospitals, and if you don't pay first, they let you die at the door.
Before all this, an unemployed man gave the face denouncing the corruption of the country, being thus the face of the Rif and idol of many people. That man is called Nasser Zafzafi, a simple mobile seller who became the leader of the Rif protests, but was nevertheless detained for talking a lot.
They finally released him, and now we do not know if he will continue to raise the voice or has been threatened by the law.

USA doesn't collaborate with climate change

First of all, Donald Trump, as everyone knows, is the president of the United States of America unfortunately. Everyone knows that Trump is a machist, ignorant, racist, because he has kicked Obama out of the White House, and it is not the first time he has thrown out a black man from his house.
Donald Trump's government isn't one of the 190 pact signatories to try to curb climate change and reduce gas emissions that affect the environment.
And the question is: How can Trump be so ignorant? Because climate change is an important thing to keep in mind, but he ignores.
Everyone was pissed about this, what's more, the celebrities they rose up against him. Like Leonardo DiCaprio, in addition to be an actor, he collaborate with climate change. He became very angry with Trump and told him that it was a reckless decision not to sign the agreement.