viernes, 2 de junio de 2017


First of all, I want to know what is Islamophobia. The word is composed of Islam "(Islam) and 'Phobia' (fear), defining it as a fear of Muslims. It is a feeling of hostility to Islam and, by extension, towards the Muslims.
It is known that one of the major factors that has increased this phobia have been various attacks that have been around the world. And of course, say that Muslims kill in God's name, and are bad people and etc.
And the question is, if you believe that all Muslims are terrorists, would you be alive? I do not think so.
More than anything, in this argument I have more arguments against that in favor because I think that is a disrespect for a religion when they do not know the reality. In the sacred book of the Muslims' Qur'an ', there isn't the word' 'attack' 'and less the word' kill ''. In the Qur'an speaks of a better world, to improve society, peace, and above all, respect between people of different religions. This confusion they have and making blame us, has caused many problems. Increases racism in a radical way, thus causing aggression towards innocent Muslims, for only anger.

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