lunes, 5 de junio de 2017

Transgender children (minors)

The subject is of transsexualism. What is it? So, when a person is transgender is because he find a serious disagreement between his psychological sex and other sexual characteristics, that is, it does not feel comfortable with what God has given him, referring to sex.
Transsexuals know that their body belongs to a genre and your brain to another.
In the case of the documentary I've seen, it's about smaller transsexuals.
The children decide for themselves, deciding what suits them best, surprising their parents.
The parents are surprised by the change of the children, many of them were not expecting it, but others saw a change in the character of children who had thought they were the opposite sex. They had to accept the fact that their children wanted to change sex, but for some parents, it was difficult.
In conclusion, people rule by their body and is entitled to change himself.
In the life is to find the comfort, if you do not feel comfortable with who you are, change to a better person for you, not for people.
I am in favor of transsexualism, as it is a personal decision in order to feel better.

The link of the documentary is this:

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