domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017


What is necrophilia? Is a psychological behavior characterized by the sexual act between the living and the dead.
Necrophilia makes people feel a strong sexual attraction to the dead. Various techniques, usually cognitive behavioral therapy, may be used to treat necrophilia. Psychotherapy, both individual and group, is the fundamental pillar in the treatment of these patients.
The most necrophilic film that has been produced so far is called 'The corpse of Ana Fritz'. It is about an actress named Ana Fritz who is found dead in the bathroom of a party. The body of the actress takes him to the morgue.
Two friends came to the hospital to visit the worker who took the dead woman to the basement.
A friend wanted to go down to see the corpse, and they went down. With all three in the same room, two of them had the attraction of having sex with the corpse. But the fact is that this body wakes up after being raped. Then things happen that lead to a tragic ending.

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