domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

Pablo Ráez: victim of leukemia

Leukemia is a disease of the blood by which the bone marrow produces abnormal white blood cells, called blast cells. These cells divide by reproducing themselves, which generates a neoplastic proliferation of altered cells that don't die when they age or are damaged, reason why they accumulate and displacing the normal cells. Therefore, leukemia is considered a "cancer of the blood".
However, it is proven that it isn't a contagious disease. But the sufferer suffers a lot, and is very likely to die. A recent case is the young sportsman Pablo Ráez, who became famous for his active fight for bone marrow donation, as he has had leukemia since 2015...
His first bone marrow transplant was rejected by his body for which he had to make a second transplant. He launched a campaign through social networks to promote bone marrow donation. That petition has had ample support. The goal was to reach the million donations, and he succeeded.
Tragically the young man dies after his second transplant, but he never lost his optimism and was always ready to fight the disease. He died as a hero, because has fomented a 1,300% of bone marrow donations in Malaga and elsewhere. One dies to save a thousand.

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